YC 2007

Paul Revere & The Raiders-Century Casino-2010

Emerson Drive-Century Casino-2011

Journey Fight series-Century Casino-2011

Jonny Lang-Century Casino-2011

The B-52's-Century Casino-2011

Deric Ruttan-Nashville North-2011

Mike Miles Challenger 2: Explosion-Century Casino-2011

Master's Academy-Cinderella-2012

Midpark Christian Assembly-double wide edge blended screen install-2012

Sound & Video Install-Jaffer Residence-2013

The Neighbourhood Alliance Church-Custom case setup-2013
This Multicaisse custom case was only a small part of the portable sound and video system that we put together for this church that meets at a golf course every week in Langdon, AB. Not shown here are the dB Technologies Opera speakers they use for the main and monitor speakers. The Yamaha hybrid console, was a great option for their volunteers, who had only been using analog consoles to this point, but wanted to remain comfortable, while having a few of the features that you will find in digital consoles. There’s also an NEC 4500 lumen projector, connected to a Mac mini via Kramer TP baluns, and large 8’ wide Draper portable screen. Sennheiser wireless mics, and Audio-Technica wired mics, along with K & M mic stands, and Radial DI boxes, round out the system.

Neighbourhood Church Medicine Hat-System Integration-2013
Neighbourhood Church, a new church plant in Medicine Hat, chose dB Technologies speakers, Audio-Technica in-ear monitoring systems, Chauvet lights, & NEC double wide edge blended projectors for their downtown renovated office building. Jeremy and Chris worked with their Lead Pastor Michael Fischer to get everything installed and up and running.

Waiting to start the show-our dB Technologies point source rig circa 2013
F 15, SUB 808D, FM 12

Press conference announcement of Century Downs-bringing horse racing back to southern Alberta

Grace Revolution Band at Power To Change conference 2013
We provided sound, lights, and video for this conference that happens each year between Christmas, and New Year’s Day.

Rundle College sound treatment install 2014
Almost hidden against the roof, Jeremy and Chris from BGP installed a number of panels in their auxiliary gym. The result lowered the sound threshold in the room, but more importantly the frequency reflections. These were extremely high prior to the installation, and by adding just a few panels on the roof, we were able to lower the actual frequencies that were bouncing around the gym, at a rate faster than any dodgeball.

Corps Bara performance at The Art Gallery of Calgary 2014
We provided sound and lighting for these amazing dancers, who put on stunning performances, at a beautiful facility.

Sound install at Westlife Church 2014
Westlife chose to install new dB Technologies Arena 12, and SUB 18D speakers in their main auditorium, along with a new Allen & Heath Qu-24, an AR-2412 digital snake, and all new ME-1’s for the band to be able to mix their own new Westone in-ear monitors. They also added Sennheiser wireless in-ear systems for their vocalists. The church also upgraded their older mics to Sennheiser E935’s, and E906’s. Jeremy, Alex, and JP, worked closely with the lead pastor Ryan Graham, to ensure a seamless transition, and train their volunteers on the new system.

Lighting installation at Steinway Piano Gallery of Calgary-2014

Swift Olliver-Concert for the Cure-Canada Olympic Park 2014

Project Wild 2019-Showcase #1
We have the privilege to supply all of the audio and lighting for the Project Wild showcase’s and Finale. It’s an honour to be a sponsor of an event of this calibre.